If Traditional Antidepressants Are Not Working Ketamine Therapy May Be The Solution
Hello again. This is Susan from myketaminestory.com.
I am once again addressing questions and concerns regarding Ketamine therapies for treating mood disorders. I am writing about Ketamine use, based on my experience with Ketamine therapy over the past 4.5 years.
A brief summary about me, I have a long history with treatment resistant depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorders. My personal “mental health” resume includes numerous failed medication cocktails, ECT, cognitive behavior therapy, talk therapy, behavioral modification therapies and countless hospitalizations. I can admit that I understand how all of these treatments could potentially help, but they never did for me. It was over four plus years ago that I was introduced to Ketamine for depression. I am alive today because of a drug that is raising many inquiries from the professional world as well as those interested in seeking Ketamine to help manage their chronic depression.
I have written for several Ketamine clinic websites about my journey with Ketamine Therapy; including my personal website and The Ketamine Academy.
In this blog, I want to revisit and discuss the need for changes to occur within our insurance companies and federal government so that maybe one day Ketamine will not be so difficult to afford or obtain from any qualified professional. I have gotten many emails over the years asking me about random or specific Ketamine treatment information, as well as those seeking Ketamine providers. I thought now would be an excellent time to review and speak on several aspects of Ketamine for those just discovering the non-traditional method for treating resistant depression with Ketamine therapy.
I will preface this blog with an obvious disclaimer. I am answering all the past email questions posed in this blog along with my other writings on the subject of Ketamine based on personal experience with Ketamine treatments and my own continued readings and research. I want to advocate the use of Ketamine for Treatment Resistant Depression because of my results from this successful therapy. I am sharing my success and how I have benefited from Ketamine, the new non-traditional form of treatment for depression, to help others.
I have had emails with several questions and themes recently. I want to address as many inquiries as I can and decided to approach this in a more hopscotch fashion.
It has been through my Ketamine advocacy that people have approached me via email with their stories and worries. I have been fortunate enough to have depression sufferers and providers reach out to me asking me about my results and my writings. I have been equally grateful for those informing me of new Ketamine clinics. It is because of these correspondences that I am rarely at a loss for writing material. I have appreciated the interest and encouragement. I have also enjoyed the offers to write about my story for other websites. I have. I am human. I know that each time I write I may be able to help someone that is struggling and that is what keeps me motivated.
However, having said that, these interactions have not all been pleasant. I feel the need to once again remind readers that I am sharing my story to help others. I am always shocked by how insensitive “professional” people can be. They clearly seem to forget that I am a patient writing and not a doctor or provider. I am flabbergasted at times. I am a human being sharing my personal experience. Please be respectful.
I need to take a moment to add a special thank you as a side note. I have been known as a woman that expresses her feelings regularly. If I am overcome with strong emotions, I share them. I work incredibly hard on focusing on positive actions and thoughts. If I am impressed or treated well I will make a point of saying thank you for your kindness. It has been a long while since I have shared my gratitude. I am super appreciative to Jason Duprat with The Ketamine Academy for constantly being sensitive of my story and feelings. He repeatedly treats me with respect and honor. Jason allows me to feel comfortable and valued. We work together well; professionally with a twist of mutual fondness I think.
I admire Ketamine providers that understand the desperate need for Ketamine therapy for depression, but clearly care more about a patient’s long term care. Thank you to all the providers of Ketamine: you are changing and saving lives.
I have had friends question my motives for writing for Ketamine clinics, and the motives of the providers requesting my help. I also am not a fool and I realize it is easier to spread your message when you have help and a platform.
I want to build a genuine relationship with my readers. I am writing on a very personal subject matter; built on trust and honesty. It is important to me. I want to be proud of the words I use. I want to offer hope to the person I once was; hopeless and done with trying anything and everything to improve my chronic suicidal depression.
If I can spread the news about Ketamine and give hope back to those in darkness, even one, then it has been worth it. I understand that not everyone is going to like my approach or language so every time I can be beneficial to others I am appreciative.
Thank you to those that have written to me, asked me questions, shared their stories and have made it possible for me to use my love for writing to inform, educate and encourage others to keep living when the depression threatens to consume.
Advocacy is a new adventure for me.
I definitely don’t want to appear insincere in my writings. Ketamine has offered me life. I want to be a voice, to share and possibly offer a lifeline to those that don’t think their lives will ever improve.
My words, my language, and self expression mean so much to me. I want to inform the public about a drug called Ketamine that gave me the opportunity to come to the surface and begin the life I was meant to live..
Ketamine has and continues to breathe life into me. I started my personal website in January of 2017. I wanted to share and advocate the use of Ketamine to treat depression. It has been through my writings I have discovered how truly powerful words can be. In recent months those words have been reaching more fellow sufferers. It is thrilling to know that more professionals are reaching out to learn more about Ketamine therapy, too. I have learned that I have value when I share my story and experiences.
I am consciously aware that my writings are only me ruminating and desperately trying to make connections so I can heal. The idea that I may actually be helping others; that is fascinating and exciting.
Onward. I want to discuss common questions I have been asked over the years with the objective of clarifying what Ketamine is, what you may experience if you choose to try Ketamine therapy, how it works, history of Ketamine, reflection of my experiences and any other random tidbits on Ketamine that pop into my mind while I am sitting here in front of my laptop writing.
First up is, what is Ketamine? Many people are not aware of this drug, much less that is a non-traditional method of treating depression and other mental disorders. Ketamine is my life-preserver! It really is. Ketamine is basically an anesthetic drug that blocks pain. It was first developed in the 1960’s and was used to operate on soldiers during the Vietnam War. In the past, Ketamine has also been used as an animal tranquilizer. However, in more recent years, Ketamine has been used as a party drug in nightclubs and parties because of the “hallucination” element users have repeatedly enjoyed. In addition to dulling pain, Ketamine has been known to allow users to feel like they’re detached from their own body. This sensation is often written and explained as a dissociative effect. These feelings are often associated with a variety of drugs known as hallucinogens. This class of drugs are frequently known to distort perceptions of sight and sound. It produces feelings of detachment from the environment, mind, and self. The reason this can occur is because the drug is reducing or blocking signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain. This out-of-body experience has made it a popular club or party drug, where it is commonly called “Special K.”
If you have done any research on the subject of how Ketamine is being given to chronically depressed individuals, you will probably get this answer: Ketamine is given as an infusion. An IV line is put in place and directly delivers the Ketamine into your vein. The needle is typically placed in your arm or hand. It is reported that this method is the quickest route for the medicine to get to the brain and administered for approximately 45 minutes followed by saline for roughly fifteen minutes.
You may have also read that most people start with about six doses over a period of two weeks, and then they sign up to get booster Infusions once every 3 to 5 weeks.
The facts have alluded to the idea that you may, but not necessarily need to continue treatments for a year or more to see long-term results. My experience has proven to me that long term use is absolutely necessary to continue to fight this demon, to recover and lead a productive life.
Research online originally missed the fact that Ketamine is also now being given in many other forms. As many of you know, I started out with six Infusions and transitioned to intramuscular (IM) Ketamine injections. I get Intramuscular Ketamine shots every two weeks. I do not see this regimen changing any time soon. I have tried to go longer periods of time between my appointments and have consistently found that I need to return to the two week protocol.
I have also used nasal Ketamine spray in an emergency situation. I kept a bottle on hand in case my symptoms show their hateful presence before my next appointment. I appreciated having had this option, even if I am notoriously known for constantly complaining about this delivery method. I no longer use nasal Ketamine as it has a much shorter timeline for relief and I didn’t care for the return of my depressive symptoms after only a few days. I found the resurfacing of my depressive and suicidal symptoms extremely upsetting and frustrating. I will admit that I still find the value with nasal Ketamine and if some horrific event took my beloved doctor away I wouldn’t hesitate to count on the glories of this spray if it meant I could be free of depression for days. However, I am truly grateful that is not my situation.
There are also pharmacies making Ketamine torches otherwise known as Ketamine lozenges to help patients between their boosters or to extend their maintenance time frame to help reduce costs. I have not yet tried lozenges. I have had other reach out to me that are currently using the torches and they are getting mixed reviews, but in the end they are finding mild relief using an oral Ketamine lozenge and feel that is still better than no relief at all. I completely understand that mentality because living with resistant depression is all encompassing and deadly. I am super comfortable with my treatment plan and can’t see convincing my doctor to prescribe the lozenges over the nasal spray. However, in my case, my doctor and I eventually discontinued the Ketamine nasal spray because it was disappointing as well as self defeating for me personally. My doctor is not a fan of the oral form of Ketamine, and I didn’t push it because the injections given every two weeks work for me.
Many fellow sufferers have asked me how does Ketamine work? I reply with a standard statement, researchers don’t know exactly how Ketamine works to treat depression, but they have some ideas. Unlike antidepressants, which work by shifting the balance of brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, Ketamine is thought to change the way brain cells communicate with each other.
Ketamine blocks a type of receptor in the brain, known as NMDA, thought to play a role in depression. Recent studies find that Ketamine can have long-lasting effects on depression, even though the drug only stays in the body for a short time.
Ketamine also acts on other brain receptors very similar to those of opioid receptors, which affect pain and depression.
I, personally, accept this but I want to expound on the subject. It is my understanding over the years that depression was linked to chemical imbalances in the brain and that was the cause of all my misery. I am now rethinking my beliefs.
The more I read about inflammation and disease, the more it makes me convinced that depression is potentially also caused by inflammation and not just an imbalance of chemicals.
I truly believe that the Ketamine reduces the swelling in my brain. The Ketamine reduces the inflammation in all the damaged areas of the mind and it is, in my opinion, because of this reduction phenomenon that normal brain flow begins and repairs can be made.
Ketamine works remarkably well for me. I can be in a really bad place emotionally before my Ketamine therapy, and a few hours later I am motivated and willing to take on all the challenges life keeps insisting on throwing my way. Unlike traditional antidepressants, which can take weeks or longer to take effect, Ketamine starts working within a few hours. Personally, I can now go into a session feeling extremely suicidal, pessimistic and discouraged with life only to find myself leaving my doctor’s office pondering how I could have felt so desperate only moments ago. It feels as though I am two different people. It is the strangest thing. It is like night and day. I admit I don’t completely understand it. I try to repeatedly remind myself that I don’t need to know how it works, only that it does work for me.
In the past, I can still vividly remember, I had an active suicide plan in place as I walked into the building to get my first Ketamine therapy. Depression hurts. It kills everything. It makes believing in possibilities nonexistent.
I am a fighter.
I falter.
I push back.
I question.
I think of myself as pretty open minded and self aware. However, I am still, after four and half years of routine Ketamine therapy, incredibly amazed that I can walk out of my doctor’s office shaking my head that only a short time ago suicide felt like the best and only solution to this insidious disease that constantly takes ownership of me.
It is frustrating and immensely discouraging to continuously battle for mind control. I know that for people who are suicidal, this rapid effect can be lifesaving. It constantly pulls me away from the edge.
Ketamine is also helping people who haven’t found relief from other more traditional depression treatments. I am one prime example on the benefits this drug, Ketamine, is providing.
My personal experiences have been similar to many individuals that find themselves wanting to try this new treatment for depression. I am no different from others that have been to several psychiatrists, therapists, cognitive modification behaviorists, and have tried several dozen or more, medication cocktails without success.
It is sadly noted that many people with major depressive disorder have attempted suicide and again I am not unique. I have scars on the outside and even more on the inside. Suicide has always felt like a valid and logical solution to me, and I found myself attempting plan after plan mainly craving relief or an end to the suffering.
I write now, and I get so sad thinking back on those decades of darkness and self loathing. The depression can sometimes still lead my mind to suicidal idealization. It is uncomfortable. I trust that the Ketamine will win the battle for me, but thoughts can be powerful and habitual. I keep my doctor informed.
What I have noticed about my mood after receiving a Ketamine Infusion or Intramuscular Ketamine injection is very similar to what I have read the majority of patients are reporting, which is a lightening of their mood with Ketamine treatments. I feel that the dread and turmoil I have been carrying for years begins to lift. If there was anxiety before, all of a sudden there is less anxiety. I feel calmer. I feel more capable. I have hope. I want to engage in life. It’s also not uncommon for people to feel like Ketamine allows them to get out of bed and face their obstacles for the first time ever. It may take several Ketamine treatments initially, but I concur with what is being said about the antidepressant effects of Ketamine. It switches the depressive symptoms off and allows for healing. This has been my experience over and over again. My world is no longer filtered through the depression. The results of Ketamine, for me, last about two weeks. I am aware that many other Ketamine patients can go symptom free for longer periods of time between treatments, and I continue to investigate why, but over the years I have found that I can remain stable for about two weeks before my world is filtered through the depression again. It resurfaces again and again. I am tolerating the return of symptoms better these days, but they do reappear and I am trying to be patient in my recovery and journey.
I have been asked multiple times if I feel there are “side effects” of receiving Ketamine therapy. I laugh at this question. In my mind there are no side effects. I have been getting Ketamine therapy for well over four years now. The experiences I have had in the past are much more mild now. I am trying to remember back to the beginning. My appointments and Ketamine therapies are different now. It is like a haze or fog for me. I am aware when the Ketamine kicks in for me, but the intensity I felt in the beginning of my journey is extremely subdued now.
Having said that, I feel that what effects the Ketamine causes during my appointment time are not, in my mind, a side effect. It is the medication working. It was Ketamine showing me that mind and body are one and at the same time they are separate. Healing.
I will explain.
In my early experiences with Ketamine, I would say roughly about eight minutes after starting the IV Ketamine, I often experienced “dissociative” effects. These sensations were very similar to what I imagine a spiritual awakening would be like. Many people have reported, myself included, having an out-of-body experience while under the effects of Ketamine. These feelings subside as the drug wears off. It is roughly about forty minutes where you will probably feel the effects of Ketamine and will feel slightly off or bizarre. I felt fairly “loopy” at times. For me, the textures in the wall, door or clothing appeared to pop; like a 3D movie without the need for the trashy glasses. Things may look and sound a little bit different or enhanced than they usually do for you, at least that was my experience.
Colors appeared very vibrant to me. Some people have mentioned that things might look blurred. I feel my eyesight sharpens with Ketamine. I had this amazing peaceful sensation and awareness. I was observing myself without that familiar harsh and hopeless judgmental mind I detest.
In the beginning, I did have the unusual experience of looking down at my body and not really seeing it. I made a remark to my husband that I will never forget. I glanced nervously at him and shyly smiled and exclaimed, “Where is my body? I can’t see my feet or hands. I am feeling like a fish in a huge aquarium.” I was laughing at the silliness of my thoughts and observations. My hubby reassured me that I was still sitting in my chair; all of me. The next moment I glimpsed down and giggled and shouted, “hey there my feet are!”
The feeling lasts for about a half hour to forty five minutes after the IV started, and then it should wear off, while the drug’s benefits continue.
The drug can possibly cause a spike in blood pressure and heart rate in the short term. I imagine that for most people, that’s probably not a huge problem. It was never an issue for me. However, it is something to be aware of.
Doctors don’t know much about the long-term effects of Ketamine because they haven’t been able to study it over long enough periods of time. However, more and more sufferers are finding relief with the assistance of Ketamine therapy.
There have been studies that are carelessly reporting that they have linked regular Ketamine use to memory issues and other problems related to thinking. I can state with confidence that after almost five years of Ketamine given to me regularly, every two weeks or so, I have not had any memory issues. However, I did lose months and months of memories with ECT treatments.
I am speaking with a genuine heart. I have had no side effects worthy of mentioning. I will comment that in the beginning I had issues with nausea. I could have easily requested an anti-nausea medication but I tend to be a purist about all medications I take now. I honestly feel it is a small price to pay for multiple symptom free days I get in return.
The memory loss that has been a concern and reported as a potential reason to never offer Ketamine widely to the public doesn’t seem to be the case with the doses being used to treat depression. Yet, those against the use of Ketamine for treatment resistant depression insist on claiming that it does.
Doctors also worry that the drug might lead to abuse, but this hasn’t been proven either. I have an addictive personality. I am an addict and alcoholic in recovery. I have a history of becoming obsessed and massively addicted with a number of coping clutches in the past. So, yes, I did worry about addiction component or abuse. I admit that I did fret about my tolerance level and whether over time I would grow intolerant or need more Ketamine to achieve the same results. My history has made me cynical. I worried unnecessarily. I have never craved Ketamine physically like I did with alcohol, drugs or other devices I used to manage my depression and anxiety over the years.
I will honestly admit that I heard myself say to my doctor, “I am in critical need of Ketamine. I want it right now; fast. Please!” It made me evaluate the statement. I have no doubt in my mind that desire and need for Ketamine was all about wanting to be symptom free quickly and not actual feelings or thoughts of getting high or escaping that would lead to further abuse; as soon as the depression subsides so does my “need” for the drug.
If the Ketamine is administered accurately, I feel the relief for twelve days and then I find that my illness creeps back in and takes over again. The return of my depression and anxiety begins slowly at first. I notice it is harder to correct my thoughts or redirect them. I lose all patience with myself. Decisions become impossible to make.
Frustrations and anger.
In 2015 through probably 2017 I appreciated the slow build. It helped me adjust to the resurfacing of the depression. It is when I went to bed feeling great, and I awoke the next morning afraid to leave my house and how quickly my resolution would drive me straight to suicidal thoughts and plans that were more problematic for me. The last couple of years this hasn’t been as much of an issue for me. I have adjusted and been working with therapists to manage.
Acceptance of my disease was paramount.
It was confusing in the beginning of my journey with Ketamine. It didn’t make sense to me. I was feeling so many new and rare emotions that I never dealt with before. I had a lot to sort through. I was familiar with depression and suicidal thoughts. I was feeling a multitude of emotions that I didn’t understand or trust.
If I was fine when I went to bed and woke up feeling the bleak darkness and depressing thoughts I would cry out, “Why, oh why? What happened? What did I do wrong?” It always felt like it was my fault when the depressive symptoms returned. I must have done something wrong, and I was being punished. My OCD thinking then takes, no grabs the wheel and drives my every action. It is days like these that I am forever grateful for Ketamine. I know these emotions and fears are temporary. I feel and have found for myself that If you are feeling symptom free from that nightmare you thought only suicide could cure, you probably won’t be sticking around the house getting high. You will be out there living the life you were meant to. Having said that, I do understand the risks and concerns. I feel in most cases Ketamine needs to be administered and monitored by a professional, especially if there is a history of addiction.
If you are considering trying Ketamine treatments to help combat resistant depression I can share these thoughts with you. I think the only worry I had when I made the appointments for my first six Infusions back in 2015 was actually a double sided fear and the anxiety of the unknown.
What if Ketamine doesn’t work for me? The flip side of that obsessive thought was the painful terror I felt at the thought, what if Ketamine helps me?
I also had profound anxiety over what if I can’t afford to continue the treatments. I was convinced it would lead me straight to my death if it didn’t work, but what if it is effective was upsetting too. What would that look like? I am not known for dealing well with uncertainty. I wanted the information beforehand, and back in 2015 there really wasn’t much being written about Ketamine for treatment resistant depression. This lack of information is one reason I am writing about my journey. I want to share my experiences and knowledge of Ketamine with others considering this non-traditional method for treating chronic depression.
I was pretty twisted by all my thoughts leading up to my trip to New Jersey for my six infusions.
What would life without depression and anxiety even look like?
I never believed Ketamine was a miracle cure. Never. It didn’t seem possible that after more than four decades of profound depression and anxiety six treatments of anything could kick that evil. I knew that if Ketamine was helpful, I was going to need to find a provider closer to my home and for an affordable rate for me. I worried this would not be realistic because in 2015 options were limited. So, I write, because of this panic I felt in the beginning, I want to help others. I definitely suggest looking into follow up care to reduce the anxiety if that is an issue for you, like it was for me.
Today, I feel Ketamine is a tool. It gives me the ability to do the work I need to do to reverse the damage and unhealthy coping mechanisms I had in place to manage living with suicidal depression. I had been trying repeatedly to improve my mood and situation in order to accomplish wellness and over multiple decades I had failed. I feel Ketamine assists my recovery. I can see progress, but it takes time and perseverance. When I utilize Ketamine therapy with cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) tools, and behavioral modification therapies, I genuinely feel I am learning and improving now.
There should definitely be some emphasis that Ketamine isn’t a quick fix. Although it can have a rapid positive effect, I don’t think enough information is given about the possibility of many sufferers having to return after the first six infusions for a booster/maintenance dose in order to continue to thrive from the benefits of Ketamine on relieving your depression and anxiety.
People are getting the idea that Ketamine is a miracle cure. This is upsetting to me. I believe only a few people are fortunate enough to get one dose or even the six initial Ketamine infusions and then have their depression go away completely. I don’t think this is an accurate portrayal of Ketamine. It is likely that even after the six recommended infusions most will need follow up care and subsequent Ketamine treatments.
The initial effects of the drug on depression can fade quickly; within 1 to 3 days. Realistically, I feel most people will need to get repeated treatments over many months or years to see long-term improvements. This has been my story.
I feel adding mindfulness training and constantly utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy tools might help the Ketamine’s antidepressant effects last longer. It has worked for me many, many times over the past couple years.
I can get pretty fired up when discussing all the articles out there making the claims that you only need six infusions to be “cured”. I will try to contain myself and limit my response to this subject. Ketamine lifted the depression temporarily for me. In the beginning, I was only getting a day or two of mild relief from my depression. I was more aware of how it allowed me freedom from the anxiety that had me locked up in my house with agoraphobia. The benefits Ketamine offered for my depression were limited at first. I would need all six infusions to assess how it might help with my depression. I did feel the difference in my mood as each day passed. The farther away the treatments were for me, the more intense it felt when the symptoms returned. In the beginning it was extremely difficult to slide back into depression when the Ketamine effect reduced over time. Painful. I was led to believe the depression would not return after the six treatments. I never believed this claim. I didn’t. I figured if Ketamine worked for me, then surely I would need to continue to get infusions to have the relief I was striving for.
Ketamine was my last option. I had nothing else. There was a part of me that didn’t want the Ketamine to work because how would I cover the cost if it did. I didn’t really expect it to work, but I took the risk financially and emotionally; for my family.
It was after my sixth infusion that the depression lifted for several days. I had my last infusion on a Friday and felt good until roughly the next Wednesday, I believe. As the week ended and a new week started, the effects from the Ketamine weakened. I wasn’t surprised, but I was discouraged. I knew that I must find a way to have Ketamine administered to me closer to home and at an affordable price. This was my first introduction into advocating Ketamine for depression.
I have spoken to numerous people that want to try Ketamine but can not swing the steep price tag. When I received my six infusions, it cost me over $3,900 for the Ketamine treatments, travel and lodging. That is a fortune to me. I knew this drug was not a realistic long term treatment for me at that price tag. So, when the Ketamine did appear to be helping relieve me of the clinical depression I wanted to cry out in frustration. I finally found the answer to my incessant search for something to rid me of my symptoms and there was no way I could continue to pay out of pocket for the therapy. Insurance companies, in 2015, did not cover any cost related to Ketamine treatments. It is heartbreaking.
Dr. Levine, the doctor I went to see in New Jersey for my six infusions, agreed with me that Ketamine was my answer. I was responding. It was during my stress about finding this drug helpful, and my fear of returning to that horrendous darkness, that I pressed Dr. Levine for another way I could get the assistance I desperately needed. He mentioned that there was a doctor in Virginia willing to administer Ketamine into the muscle by way of a shot instead or an IV. He did inform me that this doctor contacted him with a lot of interest in learning more about Ketamine for depression, but didn’t want to invest in an infusion center. Dr. Levine suggested I call when I returned home and investigate whether he was still interested in administering intramuscular Ketamine shots. I discovered this doctor lived one hour away from me, so I was pretty motivated to plead my case to him. And that is exactly what I did.
Another common question I have been asked is whether I think Intramuscular Ketamine shots work as well as infusions. Well, that is a tough question. I do feel IM Ketamine works! Do I think they are better than infusions? I am not sure. I had six infusions total. I have had well over a hundred injections in the past four plus years. I continue to improve and get stronger. IM Ketamine works. Would I be further along in my recovery had I been able to afford the cost of Infusions? Maybe. I have no idea. I do know that I am healing now with the help of IM Ketamine. I never could have continued getting infusions at 450.00 dollars per infusion. This cost is all out of pocket. I am grateful to my doctor for hearing me out in April 2015. There needs to be more professionals willing to consider administering IM Ketamine for others, like me, struggling with treatment resistant depression.
I highly recommend IM Ketamine for resistant depression. I especially feel it is an option for those that can’t afford Ketamine Infusions. I would recommend getting six Infusions first, if you have the funds for that. I know many people want to try Ketamine but can not because of the price tag. The need for education is immensely important.
I suggest approaching a trusted family doctor, Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatrist, a Physician’s Assistant or a Registered Nurse and educate them on the success of Ketamine for depression. Advocate for yourself. I would imagine that if you can try Ketamine Infusions (1-6 treatments) first it could be advantageous because you can take your results to a local provider. You would have documentation of its ability to combat depression. That is how I went about it. That will not be a reality for everyone. I realize and understand that. I also know that many professionals will be closed off to the idea of administering intramuscular Ketamine. That saddens me. However, I strongly encourage approaching as many as it takes until one individual is willing to work and learn with you.
It is worth the effort.
There is a massive need for more providers willing to learn all Ketamine delivery methods and help those like me discover what living without resistant depression really feels like.
If you would like to become a provider of Ketamine Therapy try enrolling in The Ketamine Academy‘s online Ketamine Infusion Therapy training course; it would be an excellent decision and could be extremely helpful for others like me. The Ketamine Academy online program will surely benefit you and the mental health community.
In conclusion, If you know of anyone suffering with treatment resistant depression, like I do, let them know that Ketamine therapy may be an option worth looking into. It has been and continues to offer me relief from my symptoms.
Originally posted on The Ketamine Academy website.